ECCM-98: Conference Programme

ECCM-98: Programme Information

The Conference Programme

This page last updated on 30 March 1998.

Wednesday 1st April, 2 pm - 6 pm (tea break 3:30-4:00)

First half-day of tutorials: ACT-R part 1 of 2, and Soar part 1 of 2.
Tutorial registration in Psychology; room key pickup all day (8am to midnight) in both halls.

6.45 for 7.00  Dinner in Nightingale

Thursday 2nd April, 9 am - 12.30 pm (coffee break 10:30-11:00)

8.00-8.35  Breakfast in halls
Second half-day of tutorials: ACT-R part 2 of 2, Soar part 2 of 2, and COGENT part 1 of 1.
Tutorial registration in Psychology; room key pickup all day in both halls.

Thursday 2nd April, 2 pm: Main conference starts at Nightingale Hall

12.00  Registration desk open until 2:15 pm, including book stall.

2.00  Invited speaker: Nigel Shadbolt (U. of Nottingham)
Modelling expertise: A knowledge engineering approach

3.00  Todd R. Johnson (The Ohio State University)
Acquisition and transfer of declarative and procedural knowledge

3.25  Ron Sun, Edward Merrill & Todd Peterson (University of Alabama)
Skill learning using a bottom-up hybrid model

3.50  Break

4.15  C. Philip Beaman & John Morton (MRC Cognitive Development Unit)
Modelling memory updating characteristics of 3- and 4-year olds

4.40  Stuart Watt
Modelling common-sense psychology and the false belief test

5.05  Gary Jones & Frank E. Ritter (University of Nottingham)
Initial explorations of modifying architectures to simulate cognitive and perceptual development

5.30  Poster mania
Short (3 minute) presentations about each poster

6.15  Session ends

Registration desk open until 6:15-7:15

7.00  Welcome reception

7.30  Dinner

8.30  Posters and Demonstrations

Posters (Nightingale Small Junior Common Room):
  • Jean-Bernard Auriol & Jean-Louis Dessalles, Separation of logical and calculation capabilities in a problem solving task
  • Rita Kovordányi, Is mental imagery symbolic? Exploratory simulations in an interactive activation model
  • Padraic Monaghan, Modelling individual differences in reasoning
  • Frank van Overwalle & Dirk van Rooy, A feedforward connectionist account of causal discounting and augmentation
  • Dirk van Rooy, A connectionist account of illusory correlation
  • Ute Schmid, Analogical problem solving by adaptation of schemes
  • Wolfgang Schoppek, Toward a theory of the control of dynamic systems
  • Sylvain Surcin, A semi-symbolic cognitive model of usage polysemy
  • Erika Valencia, Jean-Louis Giavitto & Jean-Paul Sansonnet, ESQIMO: Modelling analogy with topology

Demonstrations and Posters (Nightingale Fifth Floor Computer Room):
  • Aaron Sloman, Architectures and tools for human-like agents
  • Frank E. Ritter & Dieter P. Wallach, Models of two-person games in ACT-R and Soar
  • Heikki Hyötyniemi & Pertti Saariluoma, Simulating chess players' recall: How many chunks and what kind can they be?
  • Gary Jones, The Tower of Nottingham model with vision

Friday 3rd April

8.00-8.45  Breakfast in halls

9 am  Invited speaker: Erik M. Altmann (George Mason University)
Mechanisms and implications of pervasive episodic memory

10.00  G. M. G. Jongman (University of Groningen)
How to fatigue ACT-R?

10.25  Break

10.50  Aaron Sloman & Brian Logan (University of Birmingham)
Architectures and tools for human-like agents

11.15  Christina Bartl & Dietrich Dörner (Otto-Friedrich Universität, Bamberg)
PSI: A theory of the integration of cognition, emotion and motivation

11.40  Symposium: Cognitive models at work
Organiser: Simon Goss (DSTO Air Operation Division, Australia)

1 pm  Lunch

Registration desk is open 1pm to 2:15pm

2.00  Juliet Richardson, Andrew Howes & Stephen J. Payne (U of Cardiff)
Modelling an empirical investigation into memory and learning in simple interactive search tasks

2.25  Muneo Kitajima (Nat'l Inst. of Bioscience, Japan), Rodolfo Soto & Peter G. Polson (U of Colorado)
LICAI+: A comprehension-based model of the recall of action sequences

2.50  Daniella K. Busse & Chris W. Johnson (University of Glasgow)
Modelling human error within a cognitive theoretical framework

3.15  Break

3.40  Symposium: Modelling conceptual changes in mechanics
Organiser: Marc Champesme (Université Paris-Nord)

5.00  M. Fjeld, S. Schluep & M. Rauterberg (Institute of Technology, Zurich)
Automatic action driven classification of user problem solving strategies by statistical and analytical methods: A comparative study

5.25  Cornelia Niessen, Sandro Leuchter & Klaus Eyferth (Technical University, Berlin)
A psychological model of air traffic control and its implementation

5.50  Session ends

7.05  Bus departs for an evening at a traditional English pub (including dinner)
Bus will return at 11 pm.

Saturday 4th April

8.00-8.45  Breakfast in halls

9 am  Invited speaker: René Amalberti (Institute of Aerospace Medicine, France)
Why Operators' Cognitive Models are Hard to Incorporate into Design: The Case of Human Reliability Models

10.00  Karthik Balakrishnan, Rushi Bhatt & Vasant Honavar (Iowa State University)
Spatial learning and localization in animals: A computational model and behavioral experiments

10.25  Break

10.50  Eliano Pessa & Maria Pietronilla Penna (University of Rome)
A connectionist model of perceptual field dynamics in homogeneous stimulus areas

11.15  Ernesto Burattini, Massimo de Gregorio & Guglielmo Tamburrini (Istituto di Cibernetica, Naples)
Generating and classifying recall images by neurosymbolic computation

11.40  Symposium: Implicit and explicit learning in ACT-R
Organiser: Christian Lebière (Carnegie Mellon University)

1 pm  Lunch

2.00  Discussion: The future of ECCM?

2.20  Alexander A. Petrov (New Bulgarian U) & Boicho N. Kokinov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Influence of mapping on analog access: A simulation experiment with AMBR

2.55  Christophe Brouard, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier (Université Paris 6) & Charles A. Tijus (Université Paris 8)
Modelling the interpretation of verbal commands with fuzzy logic and semantic networks

3.20  Break

3.45  Pertti Saariluoma & Tei Laine (University of Helsinki)
Chess players' early recall of chess positions: An empirical and simulative investigation

4.10  Nathalie Chaignaud (Université Paris 13) & Anh Nguyen-Xuan (Université Paris 8)
Problem solving with incomplete information: Experimental study and computer simulation


6.15  Dinner in the halls

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