To and in Berlin
Information on airports close to Berlin can be found at Note that for international visitors, flying in to other airports such as Frankfurt and taking a high-speed (ICE) train from there might be a viable alternative to flying directly to Berlin.
Timetables for all trains (including the high-speed ICE trains) can be found at Tickets can be bought using credit card, and will be sent by email. Note that a printed version of the ticket is required.
Public transportation
Berlin has an efficient public transportation system. All information can be found at
Museums, Nightlife, etc.
Berlin has several internationally renowned museums such as the Pergamon Museum, the Juedisches Museum Berlin, or the Neue Nationalgalerie, and many smaller but often exciting galleries and museums such as the Berlinische Galerie.
Information on museums can be found at
Information on more informal options can be found via, for example, Trip Advisor.