
Deadline & submitting

The submission system is closed.

Special Issue TopiCS

The best papers of ICCM 2015 will be invited for a special issue of Topics in Cognitive Science.


There are three types of regular submissions:

Papers: refereed papers of up to 6 pages. If a submission is accepted to be published as a paper, the paper will be presented at the conference either as a talk or as a poster.

Posters: refereed poster abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted, the corresponding poster will be presented at the conference in a dedicated poster session.

Symposia: refereed symposia abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted, the conference committee will contact the authors to help organize and schedule the symposium. A symposium submission should consist of an introduction to the topic of the symposium and a brief description of the speakers. Symposia have a maximum duration of 90 minutes, but can also be shorter.

Finally, the day before the conference (April 8) will be devoted to Tutorials and Workshops on various cognitive modelling techniques and approaches. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for a tutorial or a workshop, please see the tutorial and workshop page for more information.


Note: the templates and sample papers mention a one-page limit for posters and symposia, this is incorrect. The limit is two pages.

Submissions must be sized 8.5 x 11 inches, with NO headers/footers and NO page numbers. Please name the submission file in this format: “authorname_submissiondate.pdf” (e.g., Smith_04_23_10.pdf). If there are any special fonts required (Korean, Japanese, etc), these must be included with the submission. The final submission must be in PDF format.

Below are files that should be used as templates for submission (the same formats as used by the Cognitive Science Society conference); please do not edit the margins or font settings of these files.

Paper submissions:
Microsoft Word (includes a .doc sample, a .dot template, and a pdf of the sample file)
LaTeX (includes sample .bst, .sty, .bib files as well as a sample .tex file and a .pdf of the sample file)

Poster and Symposium submissions:
Note: the templates and sample papers mention a one-page limit for posters and symposia, this is incorrect. The limit is two pages.
Microsoft Word (includes a .doc sample, a .dot template, and a pdf of the sample file)
LaTeX (includes sample .bst, .sty, .bib files as well as a sample .tex file and a .pdf of the sample file)

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theme by teslathemes adapted by Jelmer Borst
theme by teslathemes

adapted by Jelmer Borst