ICCM 2007 July 27 - 29, 2007 Tutorials July 26

8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling ... Ann Arbor, Michigan

Poster Session

The poster session and reception will be held in the Alumni Center across the street from the Rackham Building from 6:00pm - 8:30PM

 Presenters may set up their posters beginning at 5:00 on Saturday.

1 Toward a Large-Scale Model of Language
Comprehension in ACT-R 6
Jerry Ball, Andrea Heiberg, and
Ronnie Silber
2 Attention and Association Explain the Emergence
of Reasoning About False Belief in Young Children
Paul Bello, Perrin Bignoli, and
Nicholas Cassimatis
3 A 3-node Queuing Network Template of Cognitive
and Neural Differences As Induced by Gray and
White Matter Changes
Marc G. Berman, Yili Liu, and
Changxu Wu
4 Integrating Rational Choice and Subjective
Biological and Psychological Factors in Criminal
Behaviour Models
Tibor Bosse, Charlotte Gerritsen,
and Jan Treur
5 A Dynamical System Modelling Approach to Grossí
Model of Emotion Regulation
Tibor Bosse, Matthijs Pontier, and
Jan Treur
6 Modelling Animal Behaviour Based on
Interpretation of Another Animalís Behaviour
Tibor Bosse, Zulfiqar A. Memon,
and Jan Treur
7 From a Formal Cognitive Task Model to an
Implemented ACT-R Model
Fiemke Both and Annerieke
8 A Qualitative GOMS Approach to Evaluating
Diagrammatic Interfaces
B. Chandrasekaran and Tsviatko
9 The First Second of Symmetry: Towards a Model of
Visual Search during Symmetry Verification
Kenneth Czechowski, Ronald W.
Ferguson, & Rudolph L. Mappus IV
10 Diagrammatic Reasoning: Route Planning on Maps
with ACT-R
Heather A. Dye
11 Meter based omission of function words in
Daniel Freudenthal, Julian Pine, and
Fernand Gobet
12 Storm: A Framework for Biologically-Inspired
Cognitive Architecture Research
Douglas Pearson, Nicholas Gorski,
Richard L. Lewis, and John E. Laird
13 Vector Generation of an Explicitly-defined
Multidimensional Semantic Space
Alex Grintsvayg, Vladislav Veksler,
Robert Lindsey, & Wayne D. Gray
14 Dynamic Visualization of ACT-R Declarative
Memory Structure
Andrea Heiberg, Jack Harris, and
Jerry T. Ball
15 A Belief Framework for Modeling Cognitive Agents Annerieke Heuvelink
16 A Formal Empirical Analysis Method for Human
Reasoning and Interpretation
Tibor Bosse, Mark Hoogendoorn,
Catholijn M. Jonker, and Jan Treur
17 Towards Human-Like Robustness in an Intelligent
Tutoring System
Hameedullah Kazi, Peter
Haddawy, and Siriwan Suebnukarn
18 Using Simulations to Model Shared Mental Models William G. Kennedy and J. Gregory
19 Investigation of Procedural Skills Degradation from
Different Modalities
Jong W. Kim, Richard J. Koubek, and
Frank E. Ritter
20 Information Seeking in Complex Problem Solving Xiaohui Kong and Christian D.
21 Modeling Memories of Large-scale Space Using a
Bimodal Cognitive Architecture
Unmesh Kurup and B.
22 Learning and Decision Model Selection for a Class
of Complex Adaptive Systems
Tei Laine
23 Be Wary of What Your Computer Reads: The Effects
of Corpus Selection on Measuring Semantic
Robert Lindsey, Vladislav D.
Veksler, Alex Grintsvayg, and
Wayne D. Gray
24 Queueing Network Modeling of Mental
Architecture, Response Time, and Response
Accuracy: Reflected Multidimensional Diffusions
Yili Liu
25 Are Simpler Strategies less Error-prone in Inference
from Memory?
Rui Mata
26 The RecMap Model of Active Recognition Based on
Analogical Mapping
Georgi Petkov and Luiza
27 Modeling the Range of Performance on the Serial
Subtraction Task
Frank Ritter, Michael Schoelles,
Laura Cousino Klein, and Sue E.
28 Interactions Between Data Labeling and Ratio of
Hebbian to Error-Driven Learning in Mixed-Model
Rebecca J. Robare
29 Prototypical Relations for Cortex-Inspired
Semantic Representations
Florian Roehrbein, Julian Eggert,
and Edgar Koerner
30 Cognitive Redeployment in ACT-R: Salience, Vision,
and Memory
Terrence C. Stewart
31 Fast Learning in a Simple Probabilistic Visual
Environment: A Comparison of ACT-Rís Old PG-C
and New Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Frank Tamborello and Michael D.
32 Towards a Complete, Multi-level Cognitive
Robert Wray, Christian Lebiere,
Peter Weinstein, Krishna Jha,
Jonathan Springer, Ted Belding,
Bradley Best, and Van Parunak
33 Scheduling of Eye Movements and Manual
Responses in Performing a Sequence of Choice
Responses: Empirical Data and Model
Shu-Chieh Wu, Roger W.
Remington, and Harold Pashler

Contact Information:
Karen Alexa
E-mail: iccm2007@eecs.umich.edu
Phone: +1-734-764-9521
Fax: +1-734-763-1260