ICCM 2007 July 27 - 29, 2007 Tutorials July 26

8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling ... Ann Arbor, Michigan


           8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling 2007 Proceedings
 Papers from the conference 
  1. Ball, Heiberg, & Silber, Toward a Large-Scale Model of Language Comprehension in ACT-R 6
  2. Bello, Bignoli, & Cassimatis, Attention and Association Explain the Emergence of Reasoning About False Beliefs in Young Children
  3. Berman, Liu, & Wu, A 3-node Queuing Network Template of Cognitive and Neural Differences As Induced by Gray and White Matter Changes
  4. Borst & Taatgen, The Costs of Multitasking in Threaded Cognition
  5. Bosse, Gerritsen, & Treur, Integrating Rational Choice and Subjective Biological and Psychological Factors in Criminal Behaviour Models
  6. Bosse, Hoogendoorn, Jonker, & Treur, A Formal Empirical Analysis Method for Human Reasoning and Interpretation
  7. Bosse, Memon, & Treur, Modelling Animal Behaviour Based on Interpretation of Another Animal’s Behaviour
  8. Bosse, Pontier, & Treur, A Dynamical System Modelling Approach to Gross’ Model of Emotion Regulation
  9. Both & Heuvelink, From a Formal Cognitive Task Model to an Implemented ACT-R Model
  10. Brudzinski, Ratwani, & Trafton, Goal and Spatial Memory Following Interruption
  11. Brumby, Salvucci, & Howes, Dialing while Driving? A Bounded Rational Analysis of Concurrent Multi-task Behavior
  12. Chandrasekaran & Yovtchev, A Qualitative GOMS Approach to Evaluating Diagrammatic Interfaces
  13. Choi, Konik, Nejati, Park, & Langley, Structural Transfer of Cognitive Skills
  14. Chu, Lewis, & Howes, Evaluating the Performance of Optimizing Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Cognitive Constraint Modeling
  15. Cohen, Ritter, & Haynes, Using Reflective Learning to Master Opponent Strategy in a Competitive Environment
  16. Czechowski, Ferguson, & Mappus, The First Second of Symmetry: Towards a Model of Visual Search during Symmetry Verification
  17. Dickison & Taatgen, ACT-R Models of Cognitive Control in the Abstract Decision Making Task
  18. Dye, Diagrammatic Reasoning: Route Planning on Maps with ACT-R
  19. Fan, Chen, & Yen, Learning Cognitive Load Models for Developing Team Shared Mental Models
  20. Freudenthal, Pine, & Gobet, [Paper] Simulating the Noun-Verb Asymmetry in the Productivity of Children’s Speech
  21. Freudenthal, Pine, & Gobet, [Poster] Meter based omission of function words in MOSAIC
  22. Giguere, Chartier, Proulx, & Lina, Category Development and Reorganization Using a Bidirectional Associative Memory-inspired Architecture
  23. Gonzalez & Dutt, Learning to Control a Dynamic Task: A System Dynamics Cognitive Model of the Slope Effect
  24. Grintsvayg, Veksler, Lindsey, & Gray, Vector Generation of an Explicitly-defined Multidimensional Semantic Space
  25. Heiberg, Harris, & Ball, Dynamic Visualization of ACT-R Declarative Memory Structure
  26. Henning, Bellet, & Mille, Creating Cognitive Models from Activity Analysis: A Knowledge Engineering Approach to Car Driver Modeling
  27. Heuvelink, A Belief Framework for Modeling Cognitive Agents
  28. Jones, Lebiere, & Crossman, Comparing Modeling Idioms in ACT-R and Soar
  29. Juvina & Taatgen, Modeling Control Strategies in the N-Back Task
  30. Kazi, Haddawy, & Suebnukarn, Towards Human-Like Robustness in an Intelligent Tutoring System
  31. Kennedy & Trafton, Using Simulations to Model Shared Mental Models
  32. Kim, Koubek, & Ritter, Investigation of Procedural Skills Degradation from Different Modalities
  33. Kong & Schunn, Information Seeking in Complex Problem Solving
  34. Kurup & Chandrasekaran, Modeling Memories of Large-scale Space Using a Bimodal Cognitive Architecture
  35. Laine, Learning and Decision Model Selection for a Class of Complex Adaptive Systems
  36. Lathrop & Laird, Towards Incorporating Visual Imagery into a Cognitive Architecture
  37. Lebiere, Gonzalez, & Martin, Instance-Based Decision Making Model of Repeated Binary Choice
  38. Lindsey, Veksler, Grintsvayg, & Gray, Be Wary of What Your Computer Reads: The Effects of Corpus Selection on Measuring Semantic Relatedness
  39. Liu, Queueing Network Modeling of Mental Architecture, Response Time, and Response Accuracy: Reflected Multidimensional Diffusions
  40. Mata, Are Simpler Strategies less Error-prone in Inference from Memory?
  41. Matessa, Archer, & Mui, Dynamic Spatial Reasoning Capability in a Graphical Interface Evaluation Tool
  42. Newman & Polk, The Emergence of Semantic Topography in a Neurally-Inspired Computational Model
  43. Pavlik, Presson, & Koedinger, Optimizing Knowledge Component Learning Using a Dynamic Structural Model of Practice 
  44. Pearson, Gorski, Lewis, & Laird, Storm: A Framework for Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architecture Research
  45. Petkov & Shahbazyan, The RecMap Model of Active Recognition Based on Analogical Mapping
  46. Pike, West, & LeFevre,  How Readers Retrieve Referents for Nouns in Real Time: A Memory-based Model of Context Effects on Referent Accessibility
  47. Ritter, Schoelles, Klein, & Kase, Modeling the Range of Performance on the Serial Subtraction Task
  48. Robare, Interactions Between Data Labeling and Ratio of Hebbian to Error-Driven Learning in Mixed-Model Networks
  49. Rohrbein, Eggert, & Korner,  Prototypical Relations for Cortex-Inspired Semantic Representations
  50. Schultheis, A Control Perspective on Imaginal Perspective Taking
  51. Stewart & West, Cognitive Redeployment in ACT-R: Salience, Vision, and Memory
  52. Taatgen, Juvina, Herd, Jilk, & Martens, Attentional Blink: An Internal Traffic Jam?
  53. Tamborello & Byrne, Fast Learning in a Simple Probabilistic Visual Environment: A Comparison of ACT-R’s Old PG-C and New Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
  54. Upal & Sama, Effect of Communication on Belief Dynamics in Multi-Agent Systems
  55. van Maanen & van Rijn, Accounting for subliminal priming in ACT-R
  56. van Rijn & Taatgen, A model of parallel time estimation
  57. Veksler, Gray, & Schoelles, From 1000ms to 650ms: Why Interleaving, Soft Constraints, and Milliseconds Matter
  58. Wang & Laird, The Importance of Action History in Decision Making and Reinforcement Learning
  59. Wray, Lebiere, Weinstein, Jha, Springer, Belding, Best, & van Parunak, Towards a Complete, Multi-level Cognitive Architecture
  60. Wu, Remington, & Pashler, Scheduling of Eye Movements and Manual Responses in Performing a Sequence of Choice Responses: Empirical Data and Model

Contact Information:
Karen Alexa
E-mail: iccm2007@eecs.umich.edu
Phone: +1-734-764-9521
Fax: +1-734-763-1260