Types of submissions
- Papers: refereed papers of up to 6 pages. If a submission is accepted to be published as a paper, the paper will be presented at the conference either as a talk or as a poster. Thanks to sponsorship from the Cognitive Science Society there will be a $250 Award for the Best Student Paper. (Due April 5) Click here to submit
- Posters: refereed poster abstracts of 1 or 2 pages. If accepted, the corresponding poster will be presented at the conference in a dedicated poster session. (Due April 5) Click here to submit
- Symposium Proposals: The 6 page submission for a symposium should consist of an introduction to the topic of the symposium by the organizer(s), and one extended abstract per presenter. (Due April 5) Click here to submit
- Tutorials: The first day of the conference is devoted to tutorials on various cognitive modelling techniques and approaches. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for a tutorial, see the submission instructions here. (Due March 20)
Submission formats
All submissions must be made electronically as PDF files, formatted according to the guidelines for submissions to the Cognitive Science Society Conferences. The files are to be uploaded to the ICCM2013 conference submission site.
All PDF submissions must be sized DIN A4 or 8.5 x 11 inches, with NO headers/footers and NO page numbers.
For your convenience, there are files below for Microsoft Word and LaTeX that you can use as templates. With a few exceptions (especially length) the formatting details are the same for all types of submissions. Please do not edit the margins or font settings of these files.
For 6-page paper submissions:
- Microsoft Word Zip (includes a .doc sample, a .dot template, and a PDF of the sample file)
- LaTeX Zip (includes sample .bst, .sty, .bib files as well as a sample .tex file and a .PDF of the sample file)
For 2-page submissions (Posters):
- Microsoft Word Zip (includes a .doc sample, a .dot template, and a PDF of the sample file)
- LaTeX Zip (includes sample .bst, .sty, .bib files as well as a sample .tex file and a .PDF of the sample file) [Link to CogSci website]
The posterboards can accommodate posters up to 4'x6' size.
Submissions are in general single-blind: the reviewers know who the authors are, but the authors do not know who the reviewers are. However, authors can also optionally not provide their names in the uploaded PDF of their paper. This will make the reviewing double-blind, as the reviewers will not know the authors names.