Author Index

Azizi Ab Aziz    Modelling the Dynamics of Cognitive Depressogenic Thought Formation
Guillaume Aimetti    A Computational Model of Preverbal Infant Word Learning
Erik Altmann    A memory for goals model of sequence errors
Ben Ambridge    Un-learning Un-Prefixation Errors
John R. Anderson    Rational explanations
Sue Anthony    A Comparison of the performance of humans and computational models in the classification of facial expression
Shin-ichi Asakawa    An Extention of Elman Network
Jerry Ball    Large Declarative Memories in ACT-R
Peter Beim Graben    Unifying syntactic theory and sentence processing difficulty through a connectionist minimalist parser
Roman Belavkin    A Model of Probability Matching in a Two-Choice Task Based on Stochastic Control of Learning in Neural Cell-Assemblies
Alain Berthoz    Biomimetic Bayesian models of navigation: How are environment geometry-based and landmark-based strategies articulated in humans?
Brad Best    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Leslie Blaha    Multiple Methods of Modeling and Detecting Perceptual and Cognitive Configurality
Elisheva Bonchek Dokow    Distinguishing Between Intentional and Unintentional Sequences of Actions
Marta Borriello    How Direct is Perception of Affordances? A Computational Investigation of Grasping Affordances
Jelmer Borst    Testing fMRI Predictions of a Dual-Task Interference Model
Tibor Bosse    A Neural Model for Adaptive Emotion Reading Based on Mirror Neurons and Hebbian Learning
Fiemke Both    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
Lyle Bourne    Comparison of Instance and Strategy Models in ACT-R
Henry Brighton    Rational explanations
Henry Brodaty    Group behaviour of virtual patients in response to therapeutic intervention in agent-based model of dementia management.
Scott Brown    Is the Linear Ballistic Accumulator Model Really the Simplest Model of Choice Response Times: A Bayesian Model Complexity Analysis
Tristan Browne    Perceptual Control Theory Model of the “Beads in the jar” task
Duncan P. Brumby    Dual-Task Strategy Adaptation: Do we only Interleave at Chunk Boundaries?
Magdalena Bugajska    An embodied model of infant gaze-following
Udo Böhm    The Influence of Spreading Activation on Memory Retrieval in Sequential Diagnostic Reasoning
Veni Madhavan C E    Clustering and Traversals in Concept Association Networks
Nicholas Cepeda    Optimizing Memory Retention with Cognitive Models
Nick Chater    Rational explanations
Carl Christensen    Incremental Processing and Resource Usage
Victoria Clark    Un-learning Un-Prefixation Errors
Thomas Connolly    Predicting Interest: Another Use for Latent Semantic Analysis
Richard P. Cooper    Extending the Contention Scheduling Model of Routine Action Selection: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task and Frontal Dysfunction
Neil Davey    A Comparison of the performance of humans and computational models in the classification of facial expression
Michael De Vos    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
Julien Diard    Bayesian model comparison and distinguishability
Biomimetic Bayesian models of navigation: How are environment geometry-based and landmark-based strategies articulated in humans?
Multiple Object Manipulation: is structural modularity necessary? A study of the MOSAIC and CARMA models
Carmel Domshlak    Distinguishing Between Intentional and Unintentional Sequences of Actions
Christopher Donkin    Is the Linear Ballistic Accumulator Model Really the Simplest Model of Choice Response Times: A Bayesian Model Complexity Analysis
Scott Douglass    Large Declarative Memories in ACT-R
Uwe Drewitz    Modeling the confidence of predictions: A Time Based Approach
Varun Dutt    Comparison of Instance and Strategy Models in ACT-R
Predicting cognitive performance in open-ended dynamic tasks a modeling comparison challenge
An Instance-Based Learning Model of Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effects in Mixed Location-Relevant and Location-Irrelevant Tasks
Melody Dye    The Feature-Label-Order Effect In Symbolic Learning
Error and expectation in language learning: why "mouses" is a curious incident in adult speech
Two routes to cognitive flexibility: Learning and response conflict resolution in the dimensional change card sort task
Dietrich Dörner    The Drunken Mice
Steve Easterbrook    Capturing and Modeling Human Cognition for Context-Aware Software
Bruce Edmonds    Agent-based simulation: Social science simulation and beyond
Wael El-Deredy    Perceptual Control Theory Model of the “Beads in the jar” task
Chris Eliasmith    Spiking Neurons and Central Executive Control: The Origin of the 50-millisecond Cognitive Cycle
A Biologically Realistic Cleanup Memory: Autoassociation in Spiking Neurons
Cognitive modeling with the neural engineering framework
Felix Engelmann    Processing grammatical and ungrammatical center embeddings in English and German: A computational model
Maryam Esmaeili    Mathematical Modeling of Human Brain Behavior as an Adaptive Complex System
Jon Fincham    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Testing fMRI Predictions of a Dual-Task Interference Model
Ray Frank    A Comparison of the performance of humans and computational models in the classification of facial expression
Benjamin Fransen    An embodied model of infant gaze-following
Daniel Freudenthal    Un-learning Un-Prefixation Errors
Natalie Fridman    Comparing Human and Synthetic Group Behaviors: A Model Based on Social Psychology
First Steps Towards a Social Comparison Model of Crowds
Maik Friedrich    Reimplementing a Diagrammatic Reasoning Model in Herbal
Danilo Fum    Applying Occam's razor to paper (and rock and scissors, too): Why simpler models are sometimes better
Caitlin Furjanic    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Francesco Gagliardi    The Need of an Interdisciplinary Approach based on Computational Modelling in the Study of Categorization.
Ross Gayler    “Lateral Inhibition” in a Fully Distributed Connectionist Architecture
Nathan Gerhart    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Sabrina Gerth    Unifying syntactic theory and sentence processing difficulty through a connectionist minimalist parser
Kevin Gluck    Do the Details Matter? Comparing Performance Forecasts from Two Computational Theories of Fatigue
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Fluctuations in Alertness and Sustained Attention: Predicting Driver Performance
MindModeling@Home . . . and Anywhere Else You Have Idle Processors
A Formal Comparison of Model Variants for Performance Prediction
Fernand Gobet    Checking Chess Checks with Chunks: A Model of Simple Check Detection
EPAM/CHREST: Fifty years of simulating learning
Cleotilde Gonzalez    Comparison of Instance and Strategy Models in ACT-R
An Instance-Based Learning Model of Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effects in Mixed Location-Relevant and Location-Irrelevant Tasks
Coty Gonzalez    Predicting cognitive performance in open-ended dynamic tasks a modeling comparison challenge
Nicholas Gorski    Learning to Use Episodic Memory
Wayne Gray    Predicting Interest: Another Use for Latent Semantic Analysis
Computational Models of Human Document Keyword Selection
Markus Guhe    Using Information Flow for Modelling Mathematical Metaphors
Glenn Gunzelmann    Visualizing Egocentric Path Descriptions: A Computational Model
Do the Details Matter? Comparing Performance Forecasts from Two Computational Theories of Fatigue
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Fluctuations in Alertness and Sustained Attention: Predicting Driver Performance
Julia Hagg    The Drunken Mice
Lars Kai Hansen    Towards a Neural Network Model of the Visual Short-Term Memory
Jack Harris    MindModeling@Home . . . and Anywhere Else You Have Idle Processors
Anthony Harrison    An embodied model of infant gaze-following
Gaze-following and awareness of visual perspective in chimpanzees
Alice Healy    Comparison of Instance and Strategy Models in ACT-R
Andrew Heathcote    Is the Linear Ballistic Accumulator Model Really the Simplest Model of Choice Response Times: A Bayesian Model Complexity Analysis
Marcus Heinath    High-Level ACT-R Modeling based on SGT Task Models
Charlotte Hemelrijk    Memory in Clark's Nutcrackers: A Cognitive Model for Corvids
Pernille Hemmer    The Wisdom of Crowds in Rank Ordering Problems
Ross Hendrickson    Incremental Processing and Resource Usage
Mark Hoogendoorn    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
A Decision Making Model Based on Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis
Andrew Howes    Rational explanations
Fehmida Hussain    Modeling the Performance of Children on the Attentional Network Test
Christian Huyck    Multi-Associative Memory in fLIF Cell Assemblies
A Model of Probability Matching in a Two-Choice Task Based on Stochastic Control of Learning in Neural Cell-Assemblies
Waqar Jaffry    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
Christian P. Janssen    Dual-Task Strategy Adaptation: Do we only Interleave at Chunk Boundaries?
Tiffany Jastrzembski    A Formal Comparison of Model Variants for Performance Prediction
Gary Jones    A computational model of three non-word repetition tests
Nal Kalchbrenner    The Feature-Label-Order Effect In Symbolic Learning
Gal Kaminka    Distinguishing Between Intentional and Unintentional Sequences of Actions
Comparing Human and Synthetic Group Behaviors: A Model Based on Social Psychology
First Steps Towards a Social Comparison Model of Crowds
Sue Kase    Caffeine's effect on appraisal and mental arithmetic performance: A cognitive modeling approach tells us more
William Kennedy    "Cognitive Plausibility" in Cognitive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, and Social Simulation
David Kieras    The Persistent Visual Store as the Locus of Fixation Memory in Visual Search Tasks
Why EPIC was Wrong about Motor Feature Programming
Jong Kim    A Preliminary ACT-R Compiler in Herbal
Joseph Klein    Two routes to cognitive flexibility: Learning and response conflict resolution in the dimensional change card sort task
Reinhold Kliegl    Compound effect of probabilistic disambiguation and memory retrievals on sentence processing: Evidence from eye-tracking corpus
Lars Konieczny    What’s in an error? A detailed look at SRNs processing relative clauses.
Michael Krusmark    Do the Details Matter? Comparing Performance Forecasts from Two Computational Theories of Fatigue
Mike Krusmark    Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Efficient Exploration of Cognitive Architectures and Cognitive Models
Søren Kyllingsbæk    Towards a Neural Network Model of the Visual Short-Term Memory
John Laird    Learning to Use Episodic Memory
Stéphane Lallée    Multiple Object Manipulation: is structural modularity necessary? A study of the MOSAIC and CARMA models
Rianne van Lambalgen    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
Peter Lane    Checking Chess Checks with Chunks: A Model of Simple Check Detection
EPAM/CHREST: Fifty years of simulating learning
JC LeMentec    Automated Data Analysis for Operator Modeling
Christian Lebiere    Towards Explaining the Evolution of Domain Languages with Cognitive Simulation
Predicting cognitive performance in open-ended dynamic tasks a modeling comparison challenge
Michael Lee    The Wisdom of Crowds in Rank Ordering Problems
Human and Optimal Exploration and Exploitation in Bandit Problems
Using Heuristic Models to Understand Human and Optimal Decision-Making on Bandit Problems
Simon Levy    “Lateral Inhibition” in a Fully Distributed Connectionist Architecture
Richard L. Lewis    Rational explanations
Robert Lindsey    Optimizing Memory Retention with Cognitive Models
John Lipinski    Flexible Spatial Language Behaviors: Developing a Neural Dynamic Theoretical Framework
Deryle Lonsdale    Incremental Processing and Resource Usage
Don Lyon    Visualizing Egocentric Path Descriptions: A Computational Model
Leendert van Maanen    The Locus of the Gratton Effect in Picture-Word Interference
Passing the Test: Improving Learning Gains by Balancing Spacing and Testing Effects
Warren Mansell    Perceptual Control Theory Model of the “Beads in the jar” task
Perceptual Control Theory as a Framework for Modelling Living Systems
Jeremiah McGhee    Incremental Processing and Resource Usage
Katja Mehlhorn    The Influence of Spreading Activation on Memory Retrieval in Sequential Diagnostic Reasoning
Lin Mei    Capturing and Modeling Human Cognition for Context-Aware Software
Zulfiqar A. Memon    A Neural Model for Adaptive Emotion Reading Based on Mirror Neurons and Hebbian Learning
Tamaryn Menneer    Multiple Methods of Modeling and Detecting Perceptual and Cognitive Configurality
Robbert-Jan Merk    A Decision Making Model Based on Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis
Thomas Mielke    MindModeling@Home . . . and Anywhere Else You Have Idle Processors
Brent Miller    The Wisdom of Crowds in Rank Ordering Problems
Rebecca Mills    Un-learning Un-Prefixation Errors
Roger Moore    A Computational Model of Preverbal Infant Word Learning
Jr.,L. Richard Moore    MindModeling@Home . . . and Anywhere Else You Have Idle Processors
Fluctuations in Alertness and Sustained Attention: Predicting Driver Performance
Michael Mozer    Optimizing Memory Retention with Cognitive Models
Miles Munro    Human and Optimal Exploration and Exploitation in Bandit Problems
Using Heuristic Models to Understand Human and Optimal Decision-Making on Bandit Problems
Christopher Myers    An Account of Model Inspiration, Integration, and Sub-task Validation
Daniel Müller    What’s in an error? A detailed look at SRNs processing relative clauses.
Kailash Nadh    Multi-Associative Memory in fLIF Cell Assemblies
Antonio Napoli    Applying Occam's razor to paper (and rock and scissors, too): Why simpler models are sometimes better
Emma Norling    Agent-based simulation: Social science simulation and beyond
Rogier Oorburg    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
Konstantinos D. Outos    Reading Aloud Multisyllabic Words: A Single-Route Connectionist Model for Greek
Jaehyon Paik    A Preliminary ACT-R Compiler in Herbal
Panagiota Panagiotaki    Biomimetic Bayesian models of navigation: How are environment geometry-based and landmark-based strategies articulated in humans?
Nele Pape    Testing a Quantitative Model of Time Estimation in a Load-Switch Scenario
Harold Pashler    Optimizing Memory Retention with Cognitive Models
Umesh Patil    Compound effect of probabilistic disambiguation and memory retrievals on sentence processing: Evidence from eye-tracking corpus
Alison Pease    Using Information Flow for Modelling Mathematical Metaphors
Anders Petersen    Towards a Neural Network Model of the Visual Short-Term Memory
Julian M Pine    Un-learning Un-Prefixation Errors
Roberto Prevete    How Direct is Perception of Affordances? A Computational Investigation of Grasping Affordances
Robert Proctor    An Instance-Based Learning Model of Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effects in Mixed Location-Relevant and Location-Irrelevant Tasks
Athanassios Protopapas    Reading Aloud Multisyllabic Words: A Single-Route Connectionist Model for Greek
Aryn Pyke    A Holographic Model Of Frequency And Interference: Rethinking The Problem Size Effect
Arun Rajkumar    Clustering and Traversals in Concept Association Networks
Michael Ramscar    Error and expectation in language learning: why "mouses" is a curious incident in adult speech
Two routes to cognitive flexibility: Learning and response conflict resolution in the dimensional change card sort task
The Feature-Label-Order Effect In Symbolic Learning
Raj Ratwani    A memory for goals model of sequence errors
David Reitter    Towards Explaining the Evolution of Domain Languages with Cognitive Simulation
Hedderik van Rijn    The Locus of the Gratton Effect in Picture-Word Interference
Testing fMRI Predictions of a Dual-Task Interference Model
Passing the Test: Improving Learning Gains by Balancing Spacing and Testing Effects
Frank Ritter    Reimplementing a Diagrammatic Reasoning Model in Herbal
A Preliminary ACT-R Compiler in Herbal
Caffeine's effect on appraisal and mental arithmetic performance: A cognitive modeling approach tells us more
A summary of "Human-System Integration in the System Development Process"
Stuart Rodgers    Large Declarative Memories in ACT-R
Martin Rohrmeier    Learning on the fly. Computational modelling of an unsupervised online-learning effect
Paul Rosenbloom    Towards a New Cognitive Hourglass: Uniform Implementation of Cognitive Architecture via Factor Graphs
Stéphane Rousset    Multiple Object Manipulation: is structural modularity necessary? A study of the MOSAIC and CARMA models
Caroline F Rowland    Un-learning Un-Prefixation Errors
Timothy Rubin    A Topic Model For Movie Choices and Ratings
Nikolas Ruh    What’s in an error? A detailed look at SRNs processing relative clauses.
Matthew Rutledge-Taylor    A Holographic Model Of Frequency And Interference: Rethinking The Problem Size Effect
Dario Salvucci    Fluctuations in Alertness and Sustained Attention: Predicting Driver Performance
Yulia Sandamirskaya    Flexible Spatial Language Behaviors: Developing a Neural Dynamic Theoretical Framework
Michael Schoelles    Caffeine's effect on appraisal and mental arithmetic performance: A cognitive modeling approach tells us more
Lael Schooler    Rational explanations
Holger Schultheis    Computational and Explanatory Power of Cognitive Architectures: The Case of ACT-R
Gregor Schöner    Flexible Spatial Language Behaviors: Developing a Neural Dynamic Theoretical Framework
Alexei Sharpanskykh    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
A Computational Model for Behavioural Monitoring and Cognitive Analysis Using Cognitive Models
Aruna Shenoy    A Comparison of the performance of humans and computational models in the classification of facial expression
Alan Smaill    Using Information Flow for Modelling Mathematical Metaphors
Richard Smith    Checking Chess Checks with Chunks: A Model of Simple Check Detection
Terrence Stewart    Spiking Neurons and Central Executive Control: The Origin of the 50-millisecond Cognitive Cycle
A Biologically Realistic Cleanup Memory: Autoassociation in Spiking Neurons
Cognitive modeling with the neural engineering framework
Mark Steyvers    A Topic Model For Movie Choices and Ratings
The Wisdom of Crowds in Rank Ordering Problems
Using Heuristic Models to Understand Human and Optimal Decision-Making on Bandit Problems
Michael Stipicevic    Computational Models of Human Document Keyword Selection
Andrea Stocco    Testing fMRI Predictions of a Dual-Task Interference Model
Niels Taatgen    Testing fMRI Predictions of a Dual-Task Interference Model
Rustam Tagiew    On Modelling Typical General Human Behavior in Games
Guglielmo Tamburrini    How Direct is Perception of Affordances? A Computational Investigation of Grasping Affordances
Yichuan Tang    A Biologically Realistic Cleanup Memory: Autoassociation in Spiking Neurons
Giovanni Tessitore    How Direct is Perception of Affordances? A Computational Investigation of Grasping Affordances
Manfred Thüring    Modeling the confidence of predictions: A Time Based Approach
Greg Trafton    A memory for goals model of sequence errors
Gaze-following and awareness of visual perspective in chimpanzees
An embodied model of infant gaze-following
Meytal Traub    First Steps Towards a Social Comparison Model of Crowds
Jan Treur    Validation of an Agent Model for Human Work Pressure
A Computational Model for Behavioural Monitoring and Cognitive Analysis Using Cognitive Models
A Neural Model for Adaptive Emotion Reading Based on Mirror Neurons and Hebbian Learning
A Decision Making Model Based on Damasio’s Somatic Marker Hypothesis
Leon Urbas    Testing a Quantitative Model of Time Estimation in a Load-Switch Scenario
Elske van der Vaart    Memory in Clark's Nutcrackers: A Cognitive Model for Corvids
Shravan Vasishth    Compound effect of probabilistic disambiguation and memory retrievals on sentence processing: Evidence from eye-tracking corpus
Processing grammatical and ungrammatical center embeddings in English and German: A computational model
Bella Veksler    Milliseconds Matter But So Do Learning and Heuristics
Vladislav Veksler    Predicting Interest: Another Use for Latent Semantic Analysis
Computational Models of Human Document Keyword Selection
Second Life as a Simulation Environment: Rich, high-fidelity world, minus the hassles.
Suresh Venkatasubramaniyan    Clustering and Traversals in Concept Association Networks
Rineke Verbrugge    Memory in Clark's Nutcrackers: A Cognitive Model for Corvids
Victor Vickland    Group behaviour of virtual patients in response to therapeutic intervention in agent-based model of dementia management.
Weiyu Wang    The Neural Basis for the Perceptual Symbol System and the Potential of Building a Cognitive Architecture Based on It
Walter Warwick    Predicting cognitive performance in open-ended dynamic tasks a modeling comparison challenge
Michael Wenger    Multiple Methods of Modeling and Detecting Perceptual and Cognitive Configurality
Robert West    A Holographic Model Of Frequency And Interference: Rethinking The Problem Size Effect
Jessica Witten    Two routes to cognitive flexibility: Learning and response conflict resolution in the dimensional change card sort task
Kong-Cheng Wong    A Comparison of Decision-Making Models for Determining File Importance
Sharon Wood    Modeling the Performance of Children on the Attentional Network Test
Marnix van Woudenberg    Passing the Test: Improving Learning Gains by Balancing Spacing and Testing Effects
Motonori Yamaguchi    An Instance-Based Learning Model of Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effects in Mixed Location-Relevant and Location-Irrelevant Tasks
Daniel Yarlett    The Feature-Label-Order Effect In Symbolic Learning
Michael Young    Comparison of Instance and Strategy Models in ACT-R
Shunan Zhang    Human and Optimal Exploration and Exploitation in Bandit Problems
Using Heuristic Models to Understand Human and Optimal Decision-Making on Bandit Problems

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