Table of Contents
Pre-conference Tutorials
- Rational explanations
- Andrew Howes, University of Manchester
- John R. Anderson, Carnegie Mellon University
- Nick Chater, University College London
- Lael Schooler, Max Planck Insitute for Human Development
- Richard L. Lewis, University of Michigan
- Henry Brighton, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
- Predicting cognitive performance in open-ended dynamic tasks a modeling comparison challenge
- Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon University
- Coty Gonzalez, Carnegie Mellon University
- Varun Dutt, Carnegie Mellon University
- Walter Warwick, Alion Science and Technology
- A model of probability matching in a two-choice task based on stochastic control of learning in neural cell-assemblies
- Roman Belavkin, Middlesex University, School of Engineering and Information Sciences, London NW4 4BT, UK
- Christian Huyck, Middlesex University, School of Engineering and Information Sciences, London NW4 4BT, UK
- Adaptive mesh refinement for efficient exploration of cognitive architectures and cognitive models
- Brad Best, Adaptive Cognitive Systems LLC
- Nathan Gerhart, Adaptive Cognitive Systems LLC
- Caitlin Furjanic, Adaptive Cognitive Systems LLC
- Jon Fincham, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kevin Gluck, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Glenn Gunzelmann, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Mike Krusmark, L3 Communications
- Testing fMRI predictions of a dual-task interference model
- Jelmer Borst, University of Groningen Carnegie Mellon University
- Niels Taatgen, University of Groningen Carnegie Mellon University
- Hedderik Van Rijn, University of Groningen
- Andrea Stocco, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jon Fincham, Carnegie Mellon University
- Comparing human and synthetic group behaviors: A model based on social psychology
- Natalie Fridman, Bar-Ilan University
- Gal Kaminka, Bar-Ilan University
- Learning to use episodic memory
- Nicholas Gorski, University of Michigan
- John Laird, University of Michigan
- Fluctuations in alertness and sustained attention: Predicting driver performance
- Glenn Gunzelmann, Air Force Research Laboratory
- L. Richard Moore, Jr., Lockheed Martin at AFRL
- Dario Salvucci, Drexel University
- Kevin Gluck, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Multi-associative memory in fLIF cell assemblies
- Christian Huyck, Middlesex University
- Kailash Nadh, Middlesex University
- A computational model of three non-word repetition tests
- Gary Jones, Nottingham Trent University
- The persistent visual store as the locus of fixation memory in visual search tasks
- David Kieras, University of Michigan
- Why EPIC was wrong about motor feature programming
- David Kieras, University of Michigan
- Optimizing memory retention with cognitive models
- Robert Lindsey, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Michael Mozer, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Nicholas Cepeda, York University
- Harold Pashler, University of California at San Diego
- The locus of the Gratton effect in picture-word interference
- Leendert van Maanen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- Hedderik van Rijn, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- The wisdom of crowds in rank ordering problems
- Brent Miller, University of California, Irvine
- Pernille Hemmer, University of California, Irvine
- Mark Steyvers, University of California, Irvine
- Michael Lee, University of California, Irvine
- Compound effect of probabilistic disambiguation and memory retrievals on sentence processing: Evidence from an eye-tracking corpus
- Umesh Patil, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Shravan Vasishth, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Reinhold Kliegl, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Error and expectation in language learning: Why "mouses" is a curious incident in adult speech
- Michael Ramscar, Stanford University
- Melody Dye, Stanford University
- Towards explaining the evolution of domain languages with cognitive simulation
- David Reitter, Carnegie Mellon University
- Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon University
- Passing the test: Improving learning gains by balancing spacing and testing effects
- Hedderik van Rijn, University of Groningen, Department of Experimental Psychology
- Leendert van Maanen, University of Groningen, Department of Artificial Intelligence
- Marnix van Woudenberg, University of Groningen, Department of Artificial Intelligence
- Towards a new cognitive hourglass: Uniform implementation of cognitive architecture via factor graphs
- Paul Rosenbloom, University of Southern California
- Spiking neurons and central executive control: The origin of the 50-millisecond cognitive cycle
- Terrence Stewart, University of Waterloo
- Chris Eliasmith, University of Waterloo
- A biologically realistic cleanup memory: Autoassociation in spiking neurons
- Terrence Stewart, University of Waterloo
- Yichuan Tang, University of Waterloo
- Chris Eliasmith, University of Waterloo
- How direct is perception of affordances? A computational investigation of grasping affordances
- Giovanni Tessitore, University of Naples "Federico II"
- Marta Borriello, University of Naples "Federico II"
- Roberto Prevete, University of Naples "Federico II"
- Guglielmo Tamburrini, University of Naples "Federico II"
- A memory for goals model of sequence errors
- Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratory
- Erik Altmann, Michigan State University
- Raj Ratwani, Naval Research Laboratory
- An embodied model of infant gaze-following
- Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratory
- Anthony Harrison, Naval Research Laboratory
- Benjamin Fransen, Naval Research Laboratory
- Magdalena Bugajska, Naval Research Laboratory
- Human and optimal exploration and exploitation in bandit problems
- Shunan Zhang, University of California, Irvine
- Michael Lee, University of California, Irvine
- Miles Munro, University of California, Irvine
Featured Posters
- Extending the contention scheduling model of routine action selection: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Task and frontal dysfunction
- Richard Cooper, Birkbeck, University of London
- Is the linear ballistic accumulator model really the simplest model of choice response times: A Bayesian model complexity analysis
- Christopher Donkin, The University of Newcastle
- Andrew Heathcote, The University of Newcastle
- Scott Brown, The University of Newcastle
- Modeling the confidence of predictions: A time based approach
- Uwe Drewitz, Berlin University of Technology
- Manfred Thüring, Berlin University of Technology
- Caffeine's effect on appraisal and mental arithmetic performance: A cognitive modeling approach tells us more
- Sue Kase, Pennsylvania State University
- Frank Ritter, Pennsylvania State University
- Michael Schoelles, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Using heuristic models to understand human and optimal decision-making on bandit problems
- Michael Lee, University of California, Irvine
- Shunan Zhang, University of California, Irvine
- Miles Munro, University of California, Irvine
- Mark Steyvers, University of California, Irvine
- Two routes to cognitive flexibility: Learning and response conflict resolution in the dimensional change card sort task
- Michael Ramscar, Stanford University
- Melody Dye,
- Jessica Witten,
- Joseph Klein,
- Milliseconds matter but so do learning and heuristics
- Bella Veksler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Un-learning un-prefixation errors
- Ben Ambridge, University of Liverpool
- Daniel Freudenthal, University of Liverpool
- Julian M Pine, University of Liverpool
- Rebecca Mills, University of Liverpool
- Victoria Clark, University of Liverpool
- Caroline F Rowland, University of Liverpool
- Modelling the dynamics of cognitive depressogenic thought formation
- Azizi Ab Aziz, Vrije University Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)
- Distinguishing between intentional and unintentional sequences of actions
- Elisheva Bonchek Dokow, Bar Ilan University
- Gal Kaminka, Bar Ilan University
- Carmel Domshlak, Technion
- A neural model for adaptive emotion reading based on mirror neurons and Hebbian learning
- Tibor Bosse, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Zulfiqar A. Memon, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Jan Treur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Validation of an agent model for human work pressure
- Fiemke Both, VU University Amsterdam
- Mark Hoogendoorn, VU University Amsterdam
- Waqar Jaffry, VU University Amsterdam
- Rianne Van Lambalgen, VU University Amsterdam
- Rogier Oorburg, Force Vision Lab
- Alexei Sharpanskykh, VU University Amsterdam
- Jan Treur, VU University Amsterdam
- Michael De Vos, Force Vision Lab
- The influence of spreading activation on memory retrieval in sequential diagnostic reasoning
- Udo Böhm, Chemnitz University of Technology
- Katja Mehlhorn, Chemnitz University of Technology
- Predicting interest: Another use for latent semantic analysis
- Thomas Connolly, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Vladislav Veksler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Wayne Gray, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Bayesian model comparison and distinguishability
- Julien Diard, Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition - CNRS
- Biomimetic Bayesian models of navigation: How are environment geometry-based and landmark-based strategies articulated in humans?
- Julien Diard, Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition, Université Pierre Mendès France - CNRS
- Panagiota Panagiotaki, Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, Collège de France - CNRS
- Alain Berthoz, Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, Collège de France - CNRS
- Large declarative memories in ACT-R
- Scott Douglass, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Jerry Ball, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Stuart Rodgers, AGS TechNet
- An instance-based learning model of stimulus-response compatibility effects in mixed location-relevant and location-irrelevant tasks
- Varun Dutt, Carnegie Mellon University
- Motonori Yamaguchi, Purdue University
- Cleotilde Gonzalez, Carnegie Mellon University
- Robert Proctor, Purdue University
- Processing grammatical and ungrammatical center embeddings in English and German: A computational model
- Felix Engelmann, University of Potsdam (UP)
- Shravan Vasishth, Universit of Potsdam (UP)
- First steps towards a social comparison model of crowds
- Natalie Fridman, The MAVERICK Group Computer Science Dept. Bar Ilan University, Israel
- Gal Kaminka, The MAVERICK Group Computer Science Dept. Bar Ilan University, Israel
- Meytal Traub, The MAVERICK Group Computer Science Dept. Bar Ilan University, Israel
- Comparison of instance and strategy models in ACT-R
- Cleotilde Gonzalez, Carnegie Mellon University
- Varun Dutt, Carnegie Mellon University
- Alice Healy, University of Colorado
- Michael Young, University of Colorado
- Lyle Bourne, University of Colorado
- Using information flow for modelling mathematical metaphors
- Markus Guhe, University of Edinburgh
- Alan Smaill, University of Edinburgh
- Alison Pease, University of Edinburgh
- The drunken mice
- Julia Hagg, Universität Bamberg
- Dietrich Dörner, Universität Bamberg
- Gaze-following and awareness of visual perspective in chimpanzees
- Anthony Harrison, Naval Research Laboratory
- Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratory
- A decision making model based on damasio’s somatic marker hypothesis
- Mark Hoogendoorn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Robbert-Jan Merk, NLR
- Jan Treur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Modeling the performance of children on the attentional network test
- Fehmida Hussain, University of Sussex
- Sharon Wood, University of Sussex
- A formal comparison of model variants for performance prediction
- Tiffany Jastrzembski, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Kevin Gluck, Air Force Research Laboratory
- What’s in an error? A detailed look at SRNs processing relative clauses.
- Lars Konieczny, Center for Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg
- Nikolas Ruh, Oxford Brookes University
- Daniel Müller, Center for Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg
- Multiple object manipulation: is structural modularity necessary? A study of the MOSAIC and CARMA models
- Stéphane Lallée, INSERM U846, Stem-Cell and Brain Research Institute
- Julien Diard, Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition - CNRS
- Stéphane Rousset, Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition - CNRS
- “Lateral inhibition” in a fully distributed connectionist architecture
- Simon Levy, Washington and Lee University
- Ross Gayler, La Trobe University
- Flexible spatial language behaviors: Developing a neural dynamic theoretical framework
- John Lipinski, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- Yulia Sandamirskaya, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- Gregor Schöner, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- An account of model inspiration, integration, and sub-task validation
- Christopher Myers, Cognitive Engineering Research Institute
- Applying Occam's razor to paper (and rock and scissors, too): Why simpler models are sometimes better
- Antonio Napoli, Dipartimento di Psicologia, University of Trieste, Italy
- Danilo Fum, Dipartimento di Psicologia,
University of Trieste, Italy
- Reading aloud multisyllabic words: A single-route connectionist model for Greek
- Konstantinos D. Outos, University of Athens, UOA
- Athanassios Protopapas, Institute for Language & Speech Processing, ILSP
- Testing a quantitative model of time estimation in a load-switch scenario
- Nele Pape, Technische Universität Berlin
- Leon Urbas, Technische Universität Dresden
- Towards a neural network model of the visual short-term memory
- Anders Petersen, Technical University of Denmark
- Søren Kyllingsbæk, Technical University of Denmark
- Søren Kyllingsbæk, Copenhagen University
- Lars Kai Hansen, Technical University of Denmark
- The feature-label-order effect in symbolic learning
- Michael Ramscar, Stanford University
- Daniel Yarlett, Stanford University
- Melody Dye, Stanford University
- Nal Kalchbrenner, Stanford University
- Learning on the fly: Computational modelling of an unsupervised online-learning effect
- Martin Rohrmeier, Centre for Music & Science. Faculty of Music. University of Cambridge
- A topic model for movie choices and Ratings
- Timothy Rubin, University of California Irvine
- Mark Steyvers, University of California Irvine
- Computational and explanatory power of cognitive architectures: The case of ACT-R
- Holger Schultheis, Universität Bremen
- A computational model for behavioural monitoring and cognitive analysis using cognitive models
- Alexei Sharpanskykh, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Jan Treur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Checking chess checks with chunks: A model of simple check detection
- Richard Smith, Brunel University
- Fernand Gobet, Brunel University
- Peter Lane, University of Hertfordshire
- Computational models of human document keyword selection
- Michael Stipicevic, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Vladislav Veksler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Wayne Gray, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Memory in Clark's Nutcrackers: A cognitive model for corvids
- Elske van der Vaart, University of Groningen
- Rineke Verbrugge, University of Groningen
- Charlotte Hemelrijk, University of Groningen
- Second life as a simulation environment: Rich, high-fidelity world, minus the hassles.
- Vladislav Veksler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Group behaviour of virtual patients in response to therapeutic intervention in agent-based model of dementia management.
- Victor Vickland, University of New South Wales
- Henry Brodaty, University of New South Wales
Poster Abstracts
- A computational model of preverbal infant word learning
- Guillaume Aimetti, University of Sheffield
- Roger Moore, University of Sheffield
- An extention of Elman network
- Shin-ichi Asakawa, Tokyo Woman's Christian University
- Perceptual control theory model of the “beads in the jar” task
- Tristan Browne, The University of Mancester
- Warren Mansell, The University of Mancester
- Wael El-Deredy, The University of Mancester
- Mathematical modeling of human brain behavior as an adaptive complex system
- Maryam Esmaeili, MACS – Lab (Modelling and Application of Complex Systems Laboratory), IDSIA Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence,University of Lugano
- Reimplementing a diagrammatic reasoning model in Herbal
- Maik Friedrich, German Aerospace Center, Braunschweig
- Frank Ritter, College of IST, Penn State
- The need of an interdisciplinary approach based on computational modelling in the study of categorization
- Francesco Gagliardi, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
- Unifying syntactic theory and sentence processing difficulty through a connectionist minimalist parser
- Sabrina Gerth, University of Potsdam
- Peter Beim Graben, University of Reading
- Do the details matter? Comparing performance forecasts from two computational theories of fatigue
- Kevin Gluck, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Glenn Gunzelmann, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Michael Krusmark, L-3 Communications
- MindModeling@Home . . . and anywhere else you have idle processors
- Jack Harris, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Kevin Gluck, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Thomas Mielke, L-3 Communications
- L. Richard Moore, Jr., Lockheed Martin
- High-level ACT-R modeling based on SGT task models
- Marcus Heinath, Berlin University of Technology, Center of Human-Machine Systems
- Dual-task strategy adaptation: Do we only interleave at chunk boundaries?
- Christian P. Janssen, University College London
- Duncan P. Brumby, University College London
- "Cognitive plausibility" in cognitive modeling, artificial intelligence, and social simulation
- William Kennedy, George Mason University
- Automated data analysis for operator modeling
- JC LeMentec, Caterpillar, Inc.
- Incremental processing and resource usage
- Deryle Lonsdale, Brigham Young University
- Jeremiah McGhee, Brigham Young University
- Ross Hendrickson, Brigham Young University
- Carl Christensen, Brigham Young University
- Visualizing egocentric path descriptions: A computational model
- Don Lyon, L3 Communications
- Glenn Gunzelmann, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Perceptual control theory as a framework for modelling living systems
- Warren Mansell, University of Manchester
- Multiple methods of modeling and detecting perceptual and cognitive configurality
- Tamaryn Menneer, University of Southampton
- Michael Wenger, The Pennsylvania State University
- Leslie Blaha, Indiana University
- Capturing and modeling human cognition for context-aware software
- Lin Mei, University of Toronto
- Steve Easterbrook, University of Toronto
- A preliminary ACT-R compiler in Herbal
- Jaehyon Paik, PSU
- Jong Kim, PSU
- Frank Ritter, PSU
- Clustering and traversals in concept association networks
- Arun Rajkumar, Indian Institute of Science
- Suresh Venkatasubramaniyan, Indian Institute of Science
- Veni Madhavan C E, Indian Institute of Science
- A comparison of the performance of humans and computational models in the classification of facial expression
- Aruna Shenoy, University of Hertfordshire
- Sue Anthony, University of Hertfordshire
- Ray Frank, University of Hertfordshire
- Neil Davey, University of Hertfordshire
- On modelling typical general human behavior in games
- Rustam Tagiew, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- The neural basis for the perceptual symbol system and the potential of building a cognitive architecture based on it
- Weiyu Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- A holographic model of frequency and interference: Rethinking the problem size effect
- Robert West, Carleton University
- Matthew Rutledge-Taylor, Carleton University
- Aryn Pyke, Carleton University
- A comparison of decision-making models for determining file importance
- Kong-Cheng Wong, Governors State University
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